IBA Annual Conference Miami 2022

30 Oct - 4 Nov 2022

Room 229 B, Level 2

Session information

Onboarding a private equity investor - conflicts and benefits from an entrepreneurial perspective

Wednesday 2 November (0930 - 1045)

Room 229 B, Level 2
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Closely Held Companies Committee (Lead)


The session will focus on typical challenges an entrepreneur or an entrepreneurial family will face when taking a Private Equity investor on board as a new shareholder. panellists will talk about their personal experience as an entrepreneur or an advisor to owner families in crucial situations for their companies. We will take a look behind the scene and give valuable insight into key considerations and concerns driving the negotiations with Private Equity investors from an entrepreneurial standpoint. The experience to share with the audience will be different in respect to various jurisdictions and economies worldwide. However, there will also be similarities when talking about key challenges and benefits to be considered - and lessons learned, to be shared with the audience.

Session / Workshop Chair(s)

Andreas Kloyer Luther, Frankfurt, Germany; Conference Quality Officer, Closely Held Companies Committee
Alejandro Payá Cuatrecasas, Barcelona, Spain; Chair, Closely Held Companies Committee


Randy Bullard Morrison & Foerster , Miami, Florida, USA; Co-Chair, LGBTQI+ Law Committee
Fabiola Cavalcanti FAC LAW, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; Pro Bono Initiatives Officer, Latin American Regional Forum
Meltem Koning Van Doorne, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Gunjan Shah Shardul Amarchand Mangaldas & Co, New Delhi, Delhi, India
Daniel Taylor JP Morgan Chase & Co, London, England