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Wednesday 17 April (1030 - 1900)

Wednesday 17 April (1130 - 1230)

Wednesday 17 April (1245 - 1300)

Wednesday 17 April (1430 - 1450)

Wednesday 17 April (1450 - 1510)

Wednesday 17 April (1510 - 1625)

Session details

This panel will explore how competition with other water users and limitations on water availability due to supply and water infrastructure constraints may jeopardise the potential growth of the hydrogen industry.

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Water Law Committee (Lead)

Session/Workshop Chair(s)

Wednesday 17 April (1625 - 1645)

Wednesday 17 April (1645 - 1800)

Session details

Small modular reactors (SMRs) provide a continuous and reliable power supply, unlike intermittent renewable sources such as wind and solar. SMRs have a smaller footprint and can be built in locations where large-scale renewable installations may not be feasible. They offer a form of low-carbon energy generation that can also provide a solution for areas that lack the necessary infrastructure or transmission capacity to support renewable energy projects. This session will discuss how SMR projects are perceived in various parts of the world.


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Power Law Committee (Lead)

Session/Workshop Chair(s)

Wednesday 17 April (1800 - 2000)

Thursday 18 April (0830 - 1600)

Thursday 18 April (1030 - 1050)

Thursday 18 April (1050 - 1210)

Session details

Senior management personnel from leading South American companies will discuss how their respective organisations have managed the decarbonisation process so far, given local challenges and the global demand for carbon footprints to be reduced.

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Oil and Gas Law Committee (Lead)

Session/Workshop Chair(s)

Thursday 18 April (1210 - 1315)

Thursday 18 April (1315 - 1400)

Thursday 18 April (1400 - 1420)

Thursday 18 April (1420 - 1540)

Session details

In order to compensate for the impact of development on nature, various legal concepts and instruments are developing. The session aims to address fundamental questions such as: What is the price of nature? Who shall be obliged and for how long? How do we deal with unforeseeable or unpreventable developments?  It will give an overview of existing and emerging instruments and will focus on the specific role lawyers can play.

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Environment, Health and Safety Law Committee (Lead)

Thursday 18 April (1540 - 1600)