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Sunday 15 September (1500 - 1700)

Session details

Featuring brand new content for IBA 2024, this is a session you do not want to miss. Everything you want to know about networking at the IBA Annual Conference; connecting to the right people, increasing your referrals, getting a return on relationships and really enjoying it (even if you are not a newcomer). 

This is a popular session - seats are limited - first come, first gets.
• Do you get results from networking events?
• Do you know how to connect to the right people?
• Do you nurture your relationships on a regular basis?
• Do you struggle with getting your relationships to help you to grow your practice and give you more referrals?
• Do you have trouble with marketing and ‘selling’ yourself?
• Do you know how to use hybrid networking to continue building your relationships?

If any of these questions resonate with you, then you’re not alone. 

Many lawyers struggle with how to build relationships and networking at conferences and networking events in a way that is intentional and actually helps propel them forward, make more income, get more referrals or get better clients.

In this practical and empowering special session, advocate Itzik Amiel, international speaker, bestselling author and the global authority on business development and business networking for lawyers, will share the seven secrets to building your relations capital by identifying the people critical to your success, and developing strategies to build relations and grow your practice and referrals. These strategies based on his bestselling book: ‘The Attention Switch’. If you want to be connected, make yourself worth connecting to. It’s a journey, and every step counts.

You do not want to miss this session!

This unique and hands-on introductory networking session to the IBA and the Annual Conference in Paris is a great way for both regular IBA attendees and newcomers to:
• Learn about 7C fundamental elements of building relationships capital and get a return on relationships from participating at the IBA Annual Conference.
• Identify little-known authentic ways to accelerate conversations and influence outcomes during the IBA  Annual Conference.
• Learn how rainmaker lawyers create and use networking events in general – and the IBA  Annual Conference in particular – to get results.
• Fundamental elements for networking offline and online and how to use them successfully at the IBA Annual Conference
• Build an inventory of the best qualities you have in engaging others – and how to activate them every time during the Annual Conference.
• Learn the secret how to gain confidence while networking at the IBA Annual Conference.
• Learn the secret how to gain confidence while networking at the IBA Annual Conference
• Special practical networking tips for introverts (that work every time)!
• Learn creative ways to follow up with important contacts in a way that forms lasting alliances.
• Understand the IBA, its work, its structure, and the opportunities for you to become more involved in the IBA in the future.
• Practical insights on the IBA Annual Conference programme, structure, and efficient planning of your participation.
• Start forming connections with new attendees and/or nurture and meet up with old friends at the IBA Annual Conference.

Pre-registration is NOT required for this session.

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Sunday 15 September (1730 - 1900)

Sunday 15 September (1930 - 2230)

Monday 16 September (0730 - 0930)

Monday 16 September (0800 - 0930)

Session details

A breakfast meeting of the IBA Taxes Committee National Reporters will take place to discuss matters of interest and future activities, as well as to provide updates on the activities of the committee.

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Taxes Committee (Lead)

Monday 16 September (0800 - 0930)

Session details

Embark on an inspiring morning at the IBA Young Lawyers’ Committee breakfast session in Mexico, where brilliant legal minds will delve into the intricacies of the legal profession. Join us for a captivating exploration of ‘what it takes to be a lawyer’ as we navigate the unique challenges and rewarding milestones that shape the path to legal excellence, whether you are young or young at heart.

This dynamic session will feature seasoned legal professionals sharing their personal experiences, insights and invaluable advice on the multifaceted world of law. From the foundational principles of legal education to the practical aspects of building a successful legal career, participants will gain a comprehensive understanding of the skills, mindset and determination required to thrive in the legal landscape. For those young at heart, this is a great opportunity to learn about the concerns of the younger generation.

Key highlights:

•    Navigating challenges: hear firsthand accounts of the challenges faced by young lawyers and discover effective strategies for overcoming obstacles. Learn how resilience, adaptability and a strong work ethic can be your greatest allies in the legal field.

•    Building a professional identity: gain insights into developing a unique professional identity as a lawyer. Explore the importance of ethics, integrity and personal branding in establishing a reputable and trustworthy legal practice.

•    Mentorship and networking: understand the significance of mentorship and networking in the legal community. Discover how cultivating meaningful relationships with mentors and peers can contribute to your growth as a lawyer.

•    Practical skills for success: delve into the practical skills and competencies that set successful lawyers apart. From effective communication and negotiation techniques to time management and client relations, learn the skills that make a difference in your daily practice.

Whether you’re a young legal professional or a seasoned lawyer, this session provides a unique opportunity to gain valuable insights, connect with industry leaders and leave inspired to embark on or enhance your journey in the dynamic world of law. Join us for a morning of enlightenment, camaraderie and empowerment at the Young Lawyers’ Committee breakfast session-where the future of law takes centre-stage.

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Young Lawyers' Committee (Lead)

Monday 16 September (0930 - 1045)

Session details

Each morning, at the request of the IBA President, a special guest will join the Conference. 

Please refer back to the programme on occasion to know which industry leader / international luminary will be guesting. 

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Monday 16 September (1115 - 1230)

Session details

Regulating the legal profession is a boon as well as a barrier in many jurisdictions. Nomadic lawyers and legal adjacent business are changing the legal profession’s dynamics, challenging these traditional barriers. With the definition of ‘legal services’ or the ‘practice of law’ becoming more blurred, where are the lines? This panel will highlight pressing developments and proposed solutions through a multi-jurisdictional lens.

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Alternative and New Law Business Structures Committee (Lead)
Law Firm Management Committee
Regulation of Lawyers Committee

Monday 16 September (1115 - 1230)

Session details

International franchising systems rely on trademark and know how protection in all countries the franchise network expands in. How to handle copycats already there or surfacing after opening in a country or region?

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Intellectual Property and Entertainment Law Committee
International Franchising Committee (Lead)

Monday 16 September (1115 - 1230)

Session details

‘The best way to predict a future is to create it’ – Peter Drucker

In a rapidly changing and competitive legal market, how can your firm future-proof the ‘three Rs’ of business development: relationships, reputation and revenue? Our panel will look at different perspectives on what law firms could and should be doing right now to prepare for a successful future including:

•    What do general council (GCs) expect from their law firms (aside from great advice and service)?
•    How can firms engage their rising stars in client relationships and business development?
•    Technology trends firms cannot ignore;
•    developing and implementing strategy to claim your space in the market;
•    the role of data and metrics in decision making; 
•    And the importance of authenticity in business development.

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Law Firm Management Committee (Lead)

Monday 16 September (1115 - 1230)

Session details

In the past, businesses preferred to remain apolitical – to not be involved or active – in supporting or promoting any particular religious, social or political initiatives or causes. Today, more and more businesses are actively taking and promoting positions on such matters as part of their corporate culture and encouraging (and in some cases requiring) employees to follow suit. This is increasingly resulting in conflict where employees argue that their personal rights are being infringed at the expense of corporate culture.

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Diversity and Equality Law Committee (Lead)

Monday 16 September (1115 - 1230)

Session details

This panel will discuss recent legal, regulatory and policy issues relating to the aviation industry, including sustainability, and will take a deep dive into some current issues affecting the industry.

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Aviation Law Committee (Lead)

Monday 16 September (1115 - 1230)

Session details

Over the past couple of years, the Covid-19 pandemic has reshaped the way we work, with remote work becoming the norm to prevent the virus spreading. Now, with the virus more controlled, the shift towards flexible and self-responsible work has remained, making working from home a preferred option for many. This transformation has led to a surplus of empty office spaces, prompting the need for innovative solutions to repurpose these areas.

Rather than letting these offices remain vacant, one promising idea is to convert them into student housing. Across many countries, students face challenges in finding affordable accommodations near their universities. Repurposing centrally located office spaces could alleviate this housing shortage and provide students with convenient living arrangements.

However, this transformation will require creative thinking and collaborative efforts from architects, designers, developers, investors and brokers. Adapting office spaces into living quarters involves addressing challenges such as the need to adapt the architecture, which was not originally designed for student housing. Overcoming these hurdles will be a significant challenge, but the potential benefits for both students and property owners make it a worthwhile endeavour.

This concept of repurposing empty office spaces is gaining traction globally. In Paris, the Paris-Île de France Capitale Économique and the Maison de l'architecture Ile-de-France have introduced an international award recognising outstanding conversions of office spaces into housing. Similarly, the City of London has ambitious plans to create at least 1500 residential units by 2030 through the conversion of office buildings. The Canadian Urban Institute is also actively exploring the potential for similar projects in cities like Victoria and Winnipeg, with promising initial results.

By dedicating time and resources to research and fully understanding the potential of converting office spaces into housing, we can unlock new opportunities and shape a more adaptive and sustainable future. This seminar aims to explore various perspectives, involving stakeholders from different fields to collectively contribute to the success of this transformative trend.

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Real Estate Section (Lead)

Monday 16 September (1115 - 1230)

Session details

Economic sanctions add yet another layer to existing AML-CFT, anti-bribery, modern slavery and 'failure to prevent economic crime' developments around the world. Translating these regulatory regimes (mainly set up for banks & financial institutions) to professional services firms is challenging. 
Lawyers want to play their part in countering crime (and to see any criminal actors removed from the profession). But navigating law firm collaboration across borders is becoming more difficult and complex when sanctions and AML compliance is not suitably tailored to the professional fields. 
•    The AML & Sanctions Experts team will lead another acclaimed interactive session by way of discussions and roundtable scenarios exploring how firms can navigate cross-border financial crime regimes.  
•    How can these regimes be adapted and made workable for law firms, to still achieve collaboration that will benefit clients and economies?  
o    Russian and other targeted financial sanctions  
o    AML & CFT developments flowing from FATF and G-20 level
o    Emerging regulatory regimes to be faced next: modern slavery, supply chain transparency, beneficial ownership rules/registers, failure to prevent economic crime or tax crime. 

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Anti-Money Laundering and Sanctions Expert Subcommittee (Lead)
Business Human Rights Committee
Regulation of Lawyers Committee

Countering financial crime - Sanctions add yet another layer to existing AML, anti bribery, modern slavery, tax fraud and economic crime prevention developments around the world. How can these regulatory regimes (developed mainly for Banks & FIs) be adapted and made workable for law firms?

Monday 16 September (1115 - 1230)

Session details

Online digital marketplaces are rapidly evolving with the development of new technologies including artificial intelligence (AI) systems, creating global opportunities but also challenges. This session will look at the current and emerging issues in digital marketplaces in Europe, the UK, the US and other jurisdictions from a consumer, business and platform perspective, including: the unfair trade practices; anti-competitive conduct; online safety: protection of intellectual property: transparency: access to data: privacy protection: advertising and marketing; and environmental sustainability. 
This session will also examine current and emerging issues from the operation of EU’s Digital Markets Act and Digital Services Act, which commenced in May 2023. Are these laws achieving their goal of ‘delivering a fairer, safer and more transparent space for consumers and businesses’? How are regulators enforcing these laws?

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Technology Law Committee (Lead)

Monday 16 September (1115 - 1230)

Session details

This session will explore the emerging technologies that are transforming agriculture, including artificial intelligence (AI), the internet of things, agricultural drones and precision agriculture, among other technologies. 

We will discuss the implications of these technologies for increasing efficiency, productivity and sustainability in agriculture, as opposed to the challenges and concerns related to data privacy, ethics and regulation.

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Agriculture and Food Section (Lead)
Healthcare and Life Sciences Law Committee
Technology Law Committee

Monday 16 September (1115 - 1230)

Session details

Club remuneration: a model for other sports, or a work in progress?  

The session will discuss the players’ relationships with clubs and federations and will more particularly discuss injuries, player promotion and football calendars.

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Leisure Industries Section (Lead)

Monday 16 September (1115 - 1230)

Session details

The IBA Forum for Government and Public Lawyers was established in 2023, making it the IBA’s newest committee. The forum aims to provide a home for government and public lawyers from around the world. This session will focus on the opportunities and challenges for government and public lawyers, covering issues including political pressure, ethics, specialist skills and work-life balance. The session will also provide fascinating insights into the work of government and public lawyers for private sector lawyers. The session will be of particular interest to practitioners working in legal departments in local, national and international government and public bodies, including parliamentary counsel.

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Forum for Government and Public Lawyers (Lead)

Monday 16 September (1115 - 1230)

Session details

In the hot topics session we explore current themes of interest to the maritime and transport law community. The exact choice of topics will be decided later.

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Maritime and Transport Law Committee (Lead)

Monday 16 September (1115 - 1230)

Session details

This informative panel will provide attendees with valuable insights and practical advice on navigating civil and commercial litigation in Latin American jurisdictions. The speakers will offer essential guidance to help you successfully manage legal disputes in the complex landscape of Latin American law. Don’t miss this opportunity to gain a deeper understanding of the intricacies of litigation in the region, and learn from experienced attorneys who specialise in this area.

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Litigation Committee (Lead)