Pakistan’s National Space policy

Tuesday 18 June 2024

Sahar Iqbal
Akhund Forbes, Karachi


With the founding of SUPARCO (Pakistan Space and Upper Atmosphere Research Commission) in 1961 under the direction of Nobel Prize winner Dr Abdus Salam, Pakistan's space research endeavors got underway. Pakistan's space ambitions faded despite early triumphs, like the 1962 launch of Rehbar-1, as a result of financial shortages and changing governmental priorities.

However, on 13 December 2023, Pakistan's first National Space Policy (NSP or the ‘Policy’) was approved, marking a significant turning point in the country's legal and scientific development. Space policy is defined as the political process of making decisions and the implementation of laws pertaining to space exploration and space use for military, commercial and civilian objectives. International treaties, science policy, defense considerations, commercial activity regulation, space law and support for space exploration are all involved.

This policy is a major step towards improving Pakistan's space capabilities since it takes geopolitical complications into account and is in line with global trends towards space privatisation. It creates a framework for cooperation between the public and commercial sectors, upholding global norms and guaranteeing adherence to agreements and treaties. The Policy's provisions regarding creating a regulatory framework and permitting foreign businesses to offer communication services via low-orbit satellites demonstrate Pakistan's dedication to building a strong operational and legal foundation for its space endeavors.

Announcement of National Space Policy

Pakistan's first National Space Policy has been approved by the caretaker federal cabinet, according to the interim Information Minister, who made the announcement at a news conference in Islamabad. The Policy creates a regulatory framework that complies with international standards and allows foreign businesses to provide communication services through low-orbit satellites. The Policy emphasises a balanced approach to benefit both government institutions and businesses by allocating funds to SUPARCO for research and development. The Policy's primary objectives are to achieve national development, peaceful space utilisation and space technology self-reliance. It highlights important topics including national security, international cooperation, and socioeconomic development and encourages interaction between the public and private sectors.

Objectives and principles: guiding Pakistan's space endeavors

Establishing a legal framework, guiding and supervising space activities, and utilising space science and technology for socioeconomic and national security gains are all major goals of Pakistan's NSP. It aspires to employ space technology to accomplish national and sustainable development goals and promotes public-private collaborations. The Policy places a strong emphasis on fostering international cooperation, technological self-reliance and the growth of local industry. The peaceful use of space, protection of national security and interests, support for indigenous development and pursuit of international cooperation are among the fundamental values. By taking a proactive role in the international space exploration community, Pakistan is demonstrating its dedication to developing its space capabilities and decreasing its reliance on outside assistance through this strategic orientation.

Principal areas of interest: the National Space Policy's strategic focus

Key strategies and areas of prime importance have been enshrined in Pakistan’s Space Policy. In addition to supporting national security, socioeconomic development and self-reliance in space technology, it places a high priority on a strong regulatory framework to ensure safe and peaceful space activities. Commercialisation of space products and cooperation with industry sectors are essential. Sustainable development, global collaboration and public awareness and education are all intertwined.

The Policy states that ground control infrastructure, satellite operations and the National Space Program are all managed by SUPARCO. It guarantees adherence to international treaties and national laws, strengthens government agency capabilities, encourages financial collaborations between the public and private sectors, pushes commercialisation and uses space technology in a variety of fields for national security and development.

Implementation and support

As the national space agency of Pakistan, SUPARCO is tasked with putting the NSP into action, keeping an eye on it, reviewing it and making any revisions. It is also tasked with looking for opportunities and gaps in the space industry. The National Space Program will be carried out by SUPARCO with permission from the Pakistani government. The goals of the Policy shall have the full support of all ministries, divisions and departments, both federal and provincial. On the day of its release, the NSP will come into force, ushering in a new chapter in Pakistan's dedication to developing its space capabilities and supporting international space exploration initiatives.


Pakistan's National Space Policy is a strong framework that aims to improve the country's space capabilities through international cooperation, public-private partnerships and strategic planning. Legally speaking, it balances national priorities with global norms, guaranteeing adherence and promoting a safe and creative space environment. With a focus on sustainable space activities, technical self-reliance and socioeconomic growth, the Policy reflects Pakistan's goal of serving not only its own interests but also that of the international space community. Pakistan is set to become a major participant in space exploration and technology as SUPARCO carries out the implementation of this comprehensive program, strengthening its national security and socioeconomic development while upholding international norms and encouraging international cooperation.