
From the Editors – Maritime and Transport Law Committee – June 2022

Tuesday 14 June 2022

We are very pleased to offer this latest issue of the IBA Maritime and Transport Law Committee Newsletter. As you will see, it is a robust issue with contributions by lawyers from literally all around the world. The topics are as diverse as their authors and, we submit, there will be something for everyone in this issue.

This newsletter is an important tool for the Committee, and all the more so over these past couple of years while we have spent so much of our lives meeting on computer screens instead of in person. The IBA is about communication, and it provides an opportunity to meet people from around the world with a common interest and to share in their knowledge and experience. This newsletter is one critical way that the IBA accomplishes that mission. For those of you who have never submitted a piece for publication in the past, we strongly encourage you to consider submitting an article for our next issue, which will be timed to coincide with the IBA Annual Conference 2022 in Miami.

We would be remiss if we did not note that we have not only one but two articles submitted from Ukraine – both penned after the start of the war. We can think of no better evidence of dedication to the rule and the practice of law than that. At the same time, it highlights the strange lesson that we keep relearning every time we face a new challenge: life must go on and things must get done. Maritime lawyers probably know this better than most, because ours is an international practice and there always seems to be a crisis somewhere around the world.  It is what we do and who we are.

​​​​​​​Tom Belknap and Bruce Paulsen