Customs law conversations: practitioners talk to practitioners, episode one

Jiangsu Seraphim Solar System v Commission
Welcome to the first in a series of podcasts by the IBA International Trade and Customs Law Committee: Customs law conversations - practitioners talk to practitioners. In the series, customs practitioners discuss their recent cases or investigations, the type of issues they have faced and how they are being solved in investigations or in court, to showcase what it means to be a customs lawyer.
In this podcast, Yves Melin, Publications Officer for the Committee and a partner at Reed Smith, discusses the landmark Jiangsu Seraphim Solar System v Commission case with Nico Ooyevaar, Vice-Chair of the Committee and a partner at McMan & Co. The case brings together trade remedies and customs law: the retroactive enforcement of minimum price undertaking by the customs authorities of the European Member States, at the request of the European Commission. The case was won before the General Court of the European Union and is currently being appealed before the Court of Justice.
Music: “Time to Run” by Dexter Britain is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 3.0