Joongi Kim is a Professor of Law at Yonsei Law School in Seoul, Korea.
Joongi (dʒun-ɡi) has acted as a presiding arbitrator, sole arbitrator, and co-arbitrator in institutional and ad hoc proceedings under the rules of the GGGI, HKIAC, ICC, ICSID, JAMS, JCAA, KCAB, LMAA, QICCA, SIAC, UNCITRAL, and VIAC. A Member of the ICC Court, he also serves on the panel of arbitrators for the ICSID, Korea-EU Free Trade Agreement, Korea-US Free Trade Agreement and GGGI, in addition to AIAC, CAA, CAfA, CIETAC, CRCICA, DIAC, eBRAM, HIAC, HZAC, HKIAC, JCAA, KCAB, PIAC, RIMA, SCCA, SCIA, SHIAC, SIAC, and VIAC, and the panel of mediators of HIAC International Mediation Center, SIMC, and VMC.
The 7th President of the Korean Council for International Arbitration (KOCIA), he serves as a Council Member for the ICC Institute of World Business and an Academic Council Member of the Institute of Transnational Arbitration. He also sits on the editorial board of International Investment Law and Arbitration (Brill), Asian Journal of Comparative Law (Cambridge University Press), Dispute Resolution International (IBA), Jus Mundi Arbitration Review and Korean Arbitration Review.
His research focuses on international arbitration, international trade and investment, corporate governance and good governance. His treatise INTERNATIONAL ARBITRATION IN KOREA (OUP) received the 11th Simdang International Trade and Business Research Award.
He has been a visiting professor at ESADE, Georgetown, Keio, the National University of Singapore, National Law School of India University (Bangalore), University of Florida and University of Hong Kong.