Speaker details

18th Annual IBA Competition Mid-Year Conference

17 Jun - 18 Jun 2024

The Savoy, London, England

Speaker information

Andrea Appella


Andrea’s professional and academic expertise is competition/regulatory law and the intersection with intellectual property law with a particular focus on the media/tech industries, where he held senior in-house positions in international groups. He is currently Associate General Counsel, EMEA at OpenAI and a Visiting Professor at Kings College Dickson Poon School of Law in London, where he teaches the course “Competition and Intellectual Property in the Media Industry: Law and Practice” in the LLM program. Over the years, Andrea has been involved in a wide range of market-leading competition cases in the entertainment and tech industries, advising executives on some of the most transformational cases, deals and competition policy developments across all media and tech sectors globally: movies, TV networks, pay-tv, music, production, sport, news, publishing, digital platforms, online streaming, games. He has also been at the forefront of the digital policy debates, from the Digital Single Market to the application of competition rules to the digital economy, the regulation of digital platforms, the intersection with IP, data protection and consumer laws. In addition to his international business (Netflix, News Corporation, Fox, Warner Bros, Time Warner, MTV International) and private practice (Herbert Smith) experiences, he was also appointed to head the international department of the UK Competition Authority (in 2008), a Non-Governmental Advisor (NGA) to the International Competition Network (ICN) appointed by the UK Competition and Markets Authority, and an advisor to the Undersecretary of the Italian Ministry of Culture on audio-visual policies and copyright in the creative industries. He is also a member of the Innovation, Regulation and Competition Policy Centre (ICPC) at the Universita’ Europea in Rome and a member of the Scientific Committee of the Centro Sperimentale Cinema. He was an officer and Co-Chair of the Antitrust Committee of the International Bar Association. He was featured in Global Competition Review’s list of top in-house antitrust lawyers in the world (Corporate Counsel 2019) and among the “Stars of the In-House Competition Bar” in Global Competition Review (March 2005)).
