Speaker details

20th Annual IBA Anti-Corruption Conference

12 Jun - 13 Jun 2024

OECD, Paris, France

Speaker information

Maria Schnebli


Professional Career 1 Nov 2019 - Supervising Prosecutor for International Corruption Cases at the Office of the Attorney General of Switzerland OAG 1 March 2015 - Swiss Liaison Prosecutor to Eurojust 31 July 2019 1 October 2001 - Federal Prosecutor and Head of Division for International Cooperation 31 January 2015 at the OAG January 1998 - Prosecutor with the Public Prosecutor’s Office of the city of Zurich September 2001 Education L.L.M. in International Economic Law at the Europe Institute of the University of Zurich in 2002 Admission to the Zurich Bar in 1997 Law Studies at the University of Zurich 1986 – 1992