Speaker details

IBA Annual Conference Mexico City 2024

15 Sep - 20 Sep 2024

Centro Citibanamex, Mexico City, Mexico

Speaker information

Lyndsay Garnica


n Attorney at law, psychologist, Intelligence and National Security Analyst, licensed to practice law in Mexico since 2009. She is a seasoned legal expert with nearly 20 years of experience in maritime, aviation, emerging technologies, insurance law, specializing in complex risk management, liability, Intelligence, Safety / Security, Defense, National Security, Disaster Law, Climate Justice, Geopolitics and crisis response across Mexico, USA, Norway and across Latin America. Currently she is co-founder of Mayday Aeromaritima, a boutique law and consulting firm focused on Aviation, Maritime, Space, Energy, Emerging Technologies, Complex Insurance Claims, Defense and National Security. Core Business also provides satellite services including specialized translations and Corporative Intelligence Analysis against Global, regional and national Threats. Working closely with the Armed Forces, Maritime, Aviation Authorities and Private companies with clients based in diverse latitudes from Mexico to the United Arab Emirates. With academic foundations that include a PHD, MBA in Business Risk Transference and a Master’s in Maritime Law from the University of Oslo, Lyndsay has led numerous high profile crisis responses, managing the aftermath of disasters such as plane and ship crashes, cyberattacks, offshore explosions, and natural origin catastrophes like earthquakes and hurricanes. Lyndsay also has a strong development in academia, where her research work includes critical topics like oil rig safety, aviation/ Maritime Safety and security (AVSEC / IPS CODE), Dangerous Goods Transportation (IMDG) , emerging technologies, military and the implications of climate change on business, countries and regional risk. In addition to consultancy and legal practice, Lyndsay is a distinguished lecturer at CESNAV, The postgraduate University of The Mexican Armed Navy, educating future leaders and military officers on national and international security, aviation/maritime/insurance law, Extremism, Radicalization and Violence that could Lead to Terrorism, Intelligence, global threats, disaster and risk analysis. A recognized authority in disaster law, she is the first speaker to introduce this field in Mexico and Spanish speaking countries, contributing significantly to crisis management and recovery discourse. Lyndsay is a sought-after speaker and trainer for defense forces, government agencies, private sector and international organizations including but not limited to the Inter American Defense College, the United Nations and The Organization of American States (OAS), bringing expertise on risk, safety, and legal strategy in highly complex and evolving global challenges.


Hot topics in airport data and greenwashing in the aviation industry

Wednesday 18 September (1430 - 1545)

