Speaker details

IBA Annual Conference Mexico City 2024

15 Sep - 20 Sep 2024

Centro Citibanamex, Mexico City, Mexico

Speaker information

Katie Pearson


I am a Cayman litigation and insolvency expert. I help international clients use Cayman procedures to enforce rights and recover assets. I am nearly always conflict free. I am co-founder of Claritas, a boutique Cayman Islands law firm focusing on litigation and regulatory law. I qualified as an English solicitor in 2006 and, after working at Freshfields and Peters & Peters, moved to Cayman in 2009. From 2009 to 2022, I practised in the Cayman offices of Appleby and then Harneys. In 2022, I co-founded Claritas. As Claritas is not part of a global organisation, I offer my clients independent, conflict free advice, whilst benefiting from years of experience gained in leading litigation firms in London and Cayman. Claritas works to a lean business model, which allows me to offer my clients value for money. I am committed to fair and flexible pricing and transparent communications with my clients, including about my fees. I will consider any pricing structure that is legal in the Cayman Islands, including conditional and contingent fees. I am an experienced advocate and frequently appear before the courts of the Cayman Islands. I have wide experience of fraud and asset tracing work (including freezing injunctions, disclosure orders and the appointment of liquidators and receivers), shareholder disputes and minority oppression. I have worked with some of the top law firms in the US, UK, Hong Kong, PRC, Latin America and Europe to obtain interim relief from the Cayman Islands courts in support of litigation and arbitration overseas. I enjoy working as a team with onshore counsel to co-ordinate the many moving pieces involved in cross border litigation. As a mother to two daughters, I am a passionate advocate for women in the legal profession and committed to breaking down barriers and creating opportunities to allow everyone to excel. Further details are available at www.claritaslegal.com.


Asset recovery hot topics: Mexico, Latin America and the Caribbean in focus

Wednesday 18 September (1430 - 1545)

