Speaker details
IBA Annual Conference Mexico City 2024
15 Sep - 20 Sep 2024
Centro Citibanamex, Mexico City, MexicoSpeaker information
Soledad Atienza Becerril
I am the dean of IE Law School and I am currently copresident of the Law Schools Global League. I have extensive international academic experience and a global vision of legal education. Previously, I practiced as a lawyer at the leading Spanish law firm Pérez-Llorca. I earned a Ph.D in Social Sciences from IE University and I advocate international legal practice and innovation in legal education methodologies. I have an Executive MBA from IE Business School and I hold a Certificate in European Studies from the Europa Institute of the Saarland University in Germany; I was a visiting student at Cornell University in New York, and I have a Law degree from CEU San Pablo University. Among other responsibilities I co-chair the Commission for the Future of Legal Services of the International Bar Association (IBA), where I co-chaired the "Blueprint on global legal education" project; I am a senior advisor to the IBA Academic and Professional Development Committee, and co-director of the Pérez-Llorca-IE Chair of Business Law. I am the author of the book “Enseñar Derecho. ¿Puede servirnos la experiencia de Estados Unidos?” (“Teaching Law: Can the U.S. experience help us?”), on international legal education.
Mapping and exploring the Future of Legal Services: challenges and opportunities
Monday 16 September (1430 - 1545)
Session Chair