Speaker details

IBA Annual Conference Paris 2023

29 Oct - 3 Nov 2023

Palais de Congres de Paris, Paris, France

Speaker information

Rocío Belda de Mergelina


Rocío Belda, a private practicioner based in Madrid (Spain), practices law in the fields of commercial and corporate matters and M&A transactions. Rocío participates in operations of acquisition, reestructuring, joint ventures and contract of various kinds, at national and international level. She is broadly recognized and experienced in the retail industry where she has a portfolio of longstanding clients and has participated in a wide range of transactions. She is a leading franchising lawyer. She was a partner with Garrigues SLP for over 20 years and is a past chair of the IBA International Franchising Commitee. She is a member of EUROFRANCHISE LAWYERS, an association of leading franchise lawyers in Europe. She is a regular speaker in IBA events and contributes to IBA and ABA publications regarding franchising and other retail related topics.


Buying and selling franchise systems

Monday 30 October (1115 - 1230)

Room 315, Level 3
