Speaker details
IBA Annual Conference Paris 2023
29 Oct - 3 Nov 2023
Palais de Congres de Paris, Paris, FranceSpeaker information
Rupert Skilbeck
Rupert Skilbeck is the Director of REDRESS, an international human rights organisation based in London and The Hague. Since 1992 REDRESS has supported victims of torture to bring legal cases to obtain justice, working with national partners around the world. REDRESS uses strategic litigation against torture, with programmes on reparation, torture related to dissent, and discriminatory torture, as well as supporting the anti-torture movement through the solidarity programme. Previously he was the Litigation Director at the Open Society Justice Initiative, the United Nations Principal Defender for the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia, the director of Odsjek Krivicne Odbrane, the criminal defence section of the State Court in Sarajevo, and defence advisor at the Special Court for Sierra Leone. He is a barrister, and practised in London, primarily in criminal law and human rights law.
Centering victims in multilateral conventions on atrocity crimes
Monday 30 October (1115 - 1230)
Rooms 202-203, Level 2