Speaker details

IBA Annual Conference Paris 2023

29 Oct - 3 Nov 2023

Palais de Congres de Paris, Paris, France

Speaker information

Can Yeginsu


Can Yeginsu is a barrister and experienced advocate, recognised as a leading practitioner in the areas of commercial arbitration and investment treaty arbitration; commercial litigation in England & Wales; civil liberties; international human rights, and public international law. Alongside his practice as counsel, Mr Yeginsu is frequently appointed as an arbitrator in commercial arbitrations, and as an expert on English law, as well as public international law. He is Adjunct Professor of Law at the Georgetown University Law Center in Washington DC, and at the Koç University Law School in Istanbul, where he teaches investment treaty arbitration. He also teaches international human rights law at Columbia Law School in New York, and is Fellow at the Lauterpacht Centre for International Law, University of Cambridge. Mr Yeginsu is a member of the IBA’s Investment Arbitration Subcommittee and the Deputy Chair of the High Level Panel of Legal Experts on Media Freedom.

