Speaker details
IBA Annual Conference Miami 2022
30 Oct - 4 Nov 2022
Miami Beach Convention Center, Miami Beach, USASpeaker information

Juan Javier Negri
Senior partner at Negri & Pueyrrredon, a boutique firm in Buenos Aires. Javier has written extensively on mergers and acquisitions, corporate law and practice. He holds a chair at Universidad Austral on corporate conflicts. He is the current chairman of the Argentine Association of Comparative Law. He is or has been member of the board of several large Argentine corporations. In his spare time he devotes time to art and cultural heritage law. He is a former board member of the Argentine National Arts Fund. He won the Rodrigo Uria Award on Art Law in 2015 (granted by the Uría Foundation, Madrid, Spain) and is an arbiter with the Arbitration Court for the Arts (The Hague)
The relationship between online cross-border legal services and existing lawyer regulation - does anything have to change?
Monday 31 October (0930 - 1045)
Room 232, Level 2