
5th European Automotive and Mobility Services Conference

26 Mar - 27 Mar 2025 Upside East, Munich, Germany

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A conference presented by the IBA European Forum

Topics include:

  • The AI Act (the expected AI Liability Directive and Product Liability Directive) and Data Act
  • What is the future of electromobility? Infrastructure, sustainability - batteries, charging sources, electricity production, green energy
  • Supply chain in view of global geopolitics - China vs USA after the elections
  • HR in automotive and mobility services including HR shortages, global mobility, lay-offs, generational change, qualification of the personnel in the change from mechanics to IT and are jobs being taken over by robotics?
  • ESG
Sponsorship questions?

If you would like to discuss sponsorship for this conference

Speaker opportunities

If you would like to be considered as a potential speaker at this specialist conference then please contact the relevant Chair/Co-Chairs in the IBA European Regional Forum with your request; please send your bio together with information on your qualification and expertise on the topic.