13th Annual IBA Real Estate Investments Conference

19 Apr - 21 Apr 2023 Intercontinental, Santiago, Chile

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A conference presented by the IBA Real Estate Section


This year’s conference will feature key market players, legal experts and regulators who will discuss the trends and relevant issues currently shaping the real estate industry worldwide.

Speakers from all over the world will be in attendance, guaranteeing a rich and diverse analysis of the critical factors influencing activity in this area.

Main topics in discussion will cover all the traditional aspects of the real estate business, including residential, tourism and hospitality, retail, commercial premises project financings and more. New hot topics, such as data centres and other connectivity infrastructure, logistic premise projects, transformation of the market after the Covid-19 pandemic and how regulatory and environmental requirements are affecting businesses, will also be addressed.

Last, but not least, the conference will provide a tremendous opportunity to meet and network with other real estate practitioners and members of the industry.

Important Dates


Cancellation deadline

Cancellations are subject to an admin charge as stated in the conference programme. After this date, no refunds can be made.


Early bird deadline

Book by this date to receive early bird discounts.


Delegate search

Delegate search tool becomes available. Please sign in to access this function.


Online registration deadline

Registration may still be possible after this date via the IBA office, but is subject to availability. Please contact for further information.


Online amendment deadline

No further amendments can be made to your booking after this date. Please contact for further information.

Online registrations received:

  Until 17 April

IBA member




Young lawyers (under 30 years)


Academics / judges (full-time)


Public lawyers


Corporate counsel**


After 17 April Registrations must be received in hard copy at the IBA office

Hard copy registration forms and fees received:

  After 3 March

IBA member




Young lawyers (under 30 years)


Academics / judges (full-time)


Public lawyers


Corporate counsel**


* By paying the non-member fee, we welcome you as a delegate member of the IBA for the year in which this conference is held, which entitles you to the following benefits:

  • Password access to certain parts of the IBA website.
  • Receipt of IBA E-news and access to online versions of IBA Global Insight.
  • Pay the member rate

** A reduced rate is offered to IBA Corporate Group Members. Please register online to obtain a 25 per cent discount on the IBA Member fee

Headline social event sponsor
Conference refreshment break sponsor