Prior to the official start of the upcoming 37th IBA International Financial Law Conference, the IBA is running a Young Lawyers Programme, taking place on Wednesday, 11 May 2022, from 17:00 to 18.30 at the Hilton Molino Stucky, Venice. The programme is designed for lawyers under the age of 40 who are involved in the Banking and Securities Law areas.
This year’s topic is:
Decentralised finance: unlimited applications
and a huge challenge for traditional financial
Following the working session, the attendees are invited to join the Welcome Reception which is also taking place at the Hilton Molino Stucky from 19.00 to 20.30.
The programme is open to Young lawyers under the age of 40 who are already registered for the Conference and Young lawyers under the age of 40 who are members of the Venice Bar Association or lawyers from the Host Committee firms listed in the programme. The event is free of charge; lawyers wishing to participate in this event should register as soon as possible by way of an email confirmation to Sally Hobley who is the Senior Conference Manager at the IBA ( Please also contact me if you are interested in attending virtually.
Places are limited to 60 young Lawyers from the Venice Bar Association and will be accepted on a first-come-first-served basis.
Important Dates
Online registration deadline
Registration may still be possible after this date via the IBA office, but is subject to availability. Please contact for further information.
Online amendment deadline
No further amendments can be made to your booking after this date. Please contact for further information.

Gabriel Nunez
Uria Menendez, Madrid, Spain; Vice Secretary, Securities Law Committee
Confirmed speakers
Ramon Ferraz
Founder and CEO, Madrid, Spain