From the Co-Chairs – Construction Law International – October 2023
Dear ICP Committee Members,
Yet another quarter of the year has passed, and we are happy to announce that the IBA International Construction Projects Committee (ICP) is as strong and vibrant as ever. Upon last count, we have over 900 registered members and we continue to be a committee dedicated to the advancement of construction law, professionalism and camaraderie.
The third quarter of the year is always a transition. For those of us in the northern hemisphere, we are transitioning into autumn, after what was hopefully an enjoyable summer. And for those of us in the southern hemisphere, we transition into spring, with an enjoyable summer to come. This last quarter has been a relatively quiet one for the ICP. After two excellent events in the first half of 2023, the focus has been on coordination for the IBA Annual Conference in Paris.
We are excited to announce that preparations for our substantive sessions and our social functions are well underway. The moderators and speakers for each of our sessions have been confirmed and all are working diligently to produce another set of excellent sessions. Our sessions in Paris will be:
• ‘When government and social goals meet the reality of construction contracting’
– Moderators: Jane Davies Evans and Tony Dymond
– Speakers: Ana Cândida de Mello Carvalho, Elise Edson, Jaya Sharma, Sarah Sinclair and Anand Srivastava
• ‘EPC on trial – does fixed-price EPC deliver the results promised?’
– Moderators: Roberta Downey and Erin Miller Rankin
– Speakers: Bill Barton, Taoufik Lachheb, Michael Stokes, and Piergiorgio Zettera
• ‘The growing demand for energy transition infrastructure – novel procurement models and dispute resolution regimes’
– Moderators: Aarta Alkarimi and Eric Franco
– Speakers: Micheal Earwaker, Shona Frame, Alexander Leventhal and Ioannis Vassardanis
• ‘Economic crisis, unforeseen circumstances and contract rebalancing’
– Moderators: Dr Thomas Frad and Douglas OIes
– Speakers: Richard Bailey, Claus Lenz, Emma Niemisto, Arianna Perotti and Yann Schneller.
• ‘Breaking up is hard to do? Lessons learned and preparations that can be made to ease the pain of litigation and contract termination’
– Moderators: Adrian Cole and Sharon Vogel
– Speakers: Rajdeep Choudhury, Douglas Jones AO, Elina Mereminskaya and Roger Ter Haar QC
In addition to this programme, we will all gather to enjoy each other’s company at the Vaudeville restaurant for the ICP dinner. Along with the camaraderie and good conversation, this year will feature the return of the in-person Hard Hat Ceremony as the ICP welcomes its new Co-Chairs Virginie Colaiuta and Julio Cesar Bueno along with the newly appointed officers and subcommittee Chairs. And of course, we will have our traditional Friday excursion; keep your eyes open for the soon-to-be-announced details.
We very much look forward to seeing you in Paris. Until then, enjoy your autumn or spring.
Joseph Moore
Hanson Bridgett, San Francisco
Jean-Pierre van Eijck
Spant Legal, Eindhoven
Co-Chairs, IBA International
Construction Projects Committee