Peter Kunz

Mariëtte Lafarre

Real Estate Section

The Real Estate Section represents a vast knowledge pool and aims to assist all members in communicating and benefitting from that knowledge.

About the Section

The Real Estate Section is the only truly international forum for lawyers interested in real estate law. The recent globalisation of the real estate industry has fundamentally changed the Section’s focus.

While real estate assets are traditionally governed by national rules, real estate transactions have long ceased to be a purely national matter. Today, the ownership of properties is traded among investors around the globe. Increasing internationalisation of all aspects of real estate law has also changed the types of lawyers involved. Transactional specialists who often have a corporate law background have in many cases replaced traditional real estate lawyers.

In this evolving context, the Real Estate Section provides a unique and valuable forum for lawyers from different countries and different legal backgrounds to address all sorts of practical and legal issues, exchange views and meet during conferences.

Members of the Real Estate Section are encouraged to participate actively in the Section's work at its annual conferences, its annual open officers meetings, and, throughout the year, through special projects and through articles in the section's newsletter.

Involvement with the Real Estate Section provides an excellent opportunity not only to exchange views on real estate related matters but also to make useful contacts with real estate lawyers from all over the world.

All officers in the IBA Real Estate Section continue working together to prepare interesting conferences with a focus on international real estate matters. We all enjoy meeting at the IBA conferences. If you would like to join our strong network of well esteemed real estate lawyers, and/or If you have ideas for relevant topics or keynote speakers who could contribute with knowledge sharing about legal matters on real estate topics, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Forthcoming conferences and webinars View All Conferences


Tenant mix in shopping malls in Brazil: understanding of the Brazilian Superior Court of Justice regarding the responsibilities and limitations of the property manager

This article aims to clarify the concept of tenant mix in shopping malls and to deal with the limitations and responsibility of the landlord or property manager when organising it. To this end, we bring information about a recent decision of the Brazilian Superior Court of Justice, when judging a tenant’s compensation claim, based on an alleged predatory tenant mix by the shopping mall manager, which authorised the lease of a new store, conducting similar business, close to the establishment of the tenant.

Released on Sep 09, 2024

Student residences in Austria: investment opportunities in a flexible framework

Student residences fall outside the scope of the Austrian Tenancy Act and operators have more freedom in determining the contents of the lease. Student residences may be considered an attractive and lucrative asset class in Austria.

Released on Sep 09, 2024

Doing business in Norway

The legal framework for real estate transactions and leasing real estate in Norway is predictable and transparent, as it is widely based on industry standards. The article provides a brief overview of doing business in the commercial real estate market in Norway.

Released on Sep 09, 2024

Enhancing secure engagement and returns through small and medium real estate investment trusts

Real estate has long been a cornerstone of wealth creation, offering investors a tangible asset with the potential for steady income and long-term capital appreciation. In the context of India, real estate holdings constitute a significant portion of the wealth portfolio of several asset creators. However, in recent years, the real estate market in India has witnessed a significant surge in activity, propelling it to the forefront of investment options.

Released on Sep 09, 2024

Projects and Reports

Start a new project!

Is there a particular topic that you are interested in and would like to collaborate on with experts from around the world? Then propose your project to the committee officers.

Subcommittees and other groups

The Real Estate Section also coordinates the activities of the following subcommittees/working groups.

  • Commercial Real Estate Subcommittee
  • Real Estate Section Advisory Board
  • Servicing Industry Subcommittee

Join us on LinkedIn

If you are a member of the Real Estate Section, for additional networking opportunities, programs, interviews with fellow members and tips all exclusive to members, join our LinkedIn page at: