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Report on UNCITRAL Working Group V session
During the UNCITRAL Working Group V session in December 2020, a colloquium was held to consider whether UNCITRAL should be advised to undertake future work on applicable law (choice of law) in cross-border insolvency proceedings.
Insolvency of Crowdfunding
In recent times, physical crowds are frowned upon, lest it spark the inadvertent transmission of the deadly Covid-19 virus across social groups. However, it is precisely in times like these that the true value of the crowd has emerged.
IBA Insolvency Podcasts
IBA Insolvency Podcast: Brett Axelrod and Brittany Michael
In this fourth instalment of the IBA Insolvency Section’s podcast series, Brett Axelrod, Managing Partner of Fox Rothschild’s Las Vegas office and past Co-Chair of the firm’s nationwide Financial Restructuring & Bankruptcy Department, along with Brittany Michael, Senior Counsel at Pachulski Stang Ziehl & Jones specialising in the representation of tort creditors’ committees, discuss the seminal US Supreme Court judgment of In re Purdue Pharma LP with Huan Tan, a partner at Benvalor and Co-Chair of the IBA Insolvency Section.
IBA Insolvency Podcast: Juana Pulgar
In the third podcast from the IBA Insolvency Section, Juana Pulgar, Chaired Professor in Business Law at the University Complutense of Madrid and a member of the International Insolvency Institute, discusses the Draft EU Directive published on 7 December 2022, which focuses on harmonising certain aspects of insolvency law.
IBA Insolvency Podcast: Carolyn Jones
In the second podcast from the IBA Insolvency Section, Carolyn Jones, a full-time mediator at CJ Mediation, speaks to Gordon Hollerin, a partner at Harper Macleod. Carolyn is an experienced mediator, having been a solicitor for over 25 years in a career that includes work on commercial and banking litigation, bank remediation projects and, extensively, corporate and personal insolvency matters. The two discuss mediation in insolvency in this podcast.
IBA Insolvency Podcast: Alexander Klauser
In this podcast from IBA Insolvency Section, Alexander Klauser, UNCITRAL Liaison for the IBA Insolvency Section and a professor of insolvency law at the University of Graz, discusses the latest insolvency news from the recent meeting of UNCITRAL Working Group V in Vienna.
Covid-19 relief measures
The Insolvency Section compiled a country-by-country comparison exploring insolvency legislation initiatives as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic. Information was gathered with the collaboration of the Insolvency Section officers and members in July 2020.
Download Covid-19 relief measures
Insolvency and Restructuring International
The latest issue of the Section journal, Insolvency and Restructuring International (IRI), is now available to access online for all members of the IBA Insolvency Section. Non-members are able to read brief summaries of the articles online and will find links to purchasing articles and issues.
IRI is published twice yearly and sent to members of the section. For others it is available via subscription.
Subcommittees and other groups
The Insolvency Section also coordinates the activities of the following subcommittees/working groups.
- Creditors' Rights Subcommittee
- Financial Institutions and Insolvency Subcommittee
- Insolvency Section Advisory Board
- Judicial Liquidations Subcommittee
- Legislation and Policy Subcommittee
- Restructuring and Workouts Subcommittee
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If you are a member of the Insolvency Section, for additional networking opportunities, programs, interviews with fellow members and tips all exclusive to members, join our LinkedIn page at: