
Tag results for 'discrimination'

Vaccines and testing in the UK workplace: new rules and expectations

The Covid-19 pandemic has prompted many UK employers to introduce new rules on vaccination and testing in the workplace. This raises legal risks and privacy issues, and also illustrates how Covid-19 has changed the expectations between employer and employee in relation to health information and workplace safety.

Released on Dec 15, 2021

Diversity in law firms: slow progress

Achieving diversity is one of the most challenging management issues law firms now confront. For over a decade, firms have been seeking to raise levels of women, ethnic and other minority groups within their ranks and especially within their higher echelons. Yet, despite their considerable efforts, progress is proving to be frustratingly slow.

Released on Jul 21, 2016

India’s new law on the protection of rights of transgender persons

With the recognition of ‘transgender’ as the ‘third gender’, the Supreme Court of India laid down the foundation for the recognition of rights of transgender persons in India in 2014. Through the recently enacted Transgender Persons (Protection of Rights) Act 2019, these rights have now been enshrined into a much-awaited legal framework. The article analyses the key features of the law, the hits and misses and the impact on employers, especially in the private sector.

Equalisation of rights for adoption and surrogacy

This article aims to analyse the lack of Argentine labour legislation and the current approaches due to doctrine, jurisprudence and employers’ practice for leaves of absence in the events of adoption and surrogacy, focusing also on the situation of non-pregnant female employees and the case of equal marriages or partners.

From the Co-Chairs, Diversity and Equality Law Committee, November 2020

A message from the Co-Chairs of the Diversity and Equality Law Committee, October 2020.

Supreme Court of Canada upholds genetic non-discrimination law

This article looks at the Genetic Non-Discrimination Act, which was passed in 2017, and ruled as constitutional in July 2020 by the Supreme Court of Canada. However, the Act may have potential widespread effects on technology and privacy laws in the future.

Gender gap in Italy: equality is still a mirage

The article aims to analyse the current state of gender inequality in Italy, starting with the recent ‘warning’ issued by the European Committee of Social Rights, moving on to Italian case law on the subject and, finally, looking at the emergency regulation introduced by the Italian Government as a result of the Covid-19 outbreak.

Working from home: key Indian employment law considerations for employers

This article seeks to highlight certain Indian employment law issues that employers should be mindful of when their employees are working from home, as Indian employment laws do not contemplate the modern concept of working from home and the issues and nuances stemming therefrom.

Argentine measures around Covid-19: protection of risk groups and work sources

The outbreak of Covid-19 has shaken the world and all types of activity. This article explores the measures taken by the Argentine government in the middle of a pre-existing crisis to protect risk groups and employment. Are the measures taken appropriate, in light of such a crisis?

Are new laws needed to fight discrimination? The case of dismissals as a consequence of gender reassignment

The principles of equal treatment and non-discrimination have recently been in the spotlight as social awareness has increased the need to protect specific categories of person, particularly in the workplace. Women were the first protected category against discrimination based on sex. Nowadays, whether gender reassignment can be protected through the provisions safeguarding gender discrimination is a controversial topic.