
Tag results for 'Spain'

Spain – getting ready for the next steps in space exploration

This article analyses Spain's progress in developing a strategy for competitiveness in aerospace matters, such as the creation of a National Space Agency to represent Spain before the international community, the speed and urgency in the incorporation procedure of the Agency, drawing up its by-laws, as well as the drafting of a Law on Outer Space Activities, along the lines of its neighboring countries. We also describe the first steps taken by the Spanish Space Agency, including the adhesion to the Artemis Accords, and the main space initiatives carried out by the private space sector in Spain.

Released on Sep 14, 2023

Transfers of significant holdings in a Spanish insurance brokerage: the new regime

The Royal Decree-Law 3/2020 of 4 February 2020 has transposed insurance distribution (IDD) in Spain, establishing a control regime for acquisitions of significant holdings in insurance brokers. The new regime is similar to the now repealed Law 26/2006 of 17 July 2006. This article outlines the new law’s main features and penalties.

Released on Jul 27, 2022

International remote working from Spain

This article considers the preliminary draft bill of the ‘Startup Law’ (Act 14/2013), which introduces the regulation of a new residence and visa authorisation covering third-country nationals working remotely from Spain for foreign companies.

Released on Dec 13, 2021

Telemedicine in Spain today: regulatory and ethical challenges

This article’s focus is a very simple concept: telemedicine, which enables services normally performed by healthcare professionals to be accomplished by remote means with the support of information and communication technologies (ICT)

Released on Jun 24, 2021