
Tag results for 'New York'

Group capital calculation legislation in New York

New York State is considering legislation that would implement the Covered Agreements on insurance regulation between the US and the EU and the UK, respectively (the Covered Agreements). However, the legislation does not contain the reciprocity language required by the Covered Agreements, apparently leaving this for regulation in the discretion of the New York Superintendent of Financial Services (the state’s insurance regulator). This may leave the legislation vulnerable to federal pre-emption.

Released on Jul 27, 2022

New York’s new power of attorney law is a welcome change

Practitioners will no longer need to apologise to their estate planning clients regarding the form of power of attorney required throughout the State of New York. The statutory form has been reworked – in the author’s view, this follows years of frustration for attorneys and their clients alike.

Released on Aug 2, 2021