
Tag results for 'Human Rights'

Navigating new terrain: key updates in Jordan's technology-related legal framework

The rapid proliferation of technology and artificial intelligence (AI) has significantly influenced global markets, necessitating robust regulatory frameworks. This article explores Jordan's agile response through the enactment of the Jordanian Cybercrimes Law (Law no 17 of 2023) and the Personal Information Protection Law (Law no 24 of 2023). These laws not only criminalise certain online activities and protect personal data but also position Jordan as a regional leader in addressing the dual imperatives of innovation and security in the digital age.

Released on May 23, 2024

Who Is A Friend? The Hong Kong Court of Final Appeal Delivers a Landmark Ruling

The Hong Kong Court of Final Appeal clarifies that who is considered a “friend” pursuant to the Prison Rules in respect of visitation rights for inmates awaiting trial and with the presumption of innocence, and whether a friend has to be someone with a personal or intimate relationship with the inmate.

Released on Nov 15, 2021

Australian detention centres: ill-treatment ‘could be considered torture’ says UN rapporteur

Recent footage of aboriginal boys being mistreated at an Australian juvenile detention centre provoked worldwide condemnation and prompted calls both within and outside the country for a full investigation into the misconduct. The graphic images showed six aboriginal boys at the Don Dale detention centre in the Northern Territory being physically restrained, assaulted and teargassed by guards in a style akin to the notorious methods used in the Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq

Released on Aug 11, 2016

Brazilian impeachment triggers debate on need to reform process

As Brazilian senators debate the impeachment of President Dilma Rousseff, lawyers have started discussing possible changes to the process. However, this focuses on technical improvements for future cases. The great weight of legal opinion appears to reject claims by Rousseff and her supporters that the current process was flawed through lack of proper opportunity for defence, or that some kind of ‘coup’ was under way.

Released on Jun 15, 2016

Human rights news from the IBA - October/November 2017

IBA Global Insight October/November 2017 - Former US Secretary of Defense Robert Gates on President Trump, North Korea and Kim Jong-un, IBA Discussion Paper on protecting the integrity of ICC trials, The refugee crisis in Greece – new IBA film, CJEU rules against challenge to European quota system for refugees, IBAHRI at 36th Session of the UN Human Rights Council, ICC wins human rights award, Focus on Philippines and Cameroon

Human rights news from the IBA - August/September 2017

IBA Global Insight August/September 2017. North Korea: nuclear threat and human rights challenges, armed drone strikes, IBA-UN partnership against torture, Yemen, handbook for lawyers on business and human rights, Istanbul Protocol and torture prevention in Mexico, eyeWitness to Atrocities at 2 years old

Human rights news from the IBA - June/July 2017

IBA Global Insight June/July 2017. Terrorism and the law: tech companies central to government response; IBA partners with UN for global anti-torture initiative; ‘Vigilant’ French law introduces duty of care for large companies

Human rights news from the IBA - April/May 2017

IBA Global Insight April/May 2017. Trump’s new travel ban further tests image and rule of law; South African High Court rules against ICC withdrawal; American presidency: Trump draft budget proposes huge funding cut for civil legal aid

Myanmar: UN Human Rights Council votes on inquiry into abuses

Myanmar is once again high on the agenda at the United Nations, as the country’s leadership faces heavy criticism over alleged human rights violations committed against Rohingya Muslims. On 16 March, the European Union called for an inquiry into the abuses and, a day later, China and Russia blocked a Security Council statement of concern about the situation.

Human rights news from the IBA - February/March 2017

IBA Global Insight February/March 2017. Trump presidency: many ‘fear rights won over years are in jeopardy’; Legal advisor to Aung San Suu Kyi and Myanmar government shot dead in Yangon; Brazil prison riots spark call on legal profession

Human rights news from the IBA - Dec 2016/Jan 2017

IBA Global Insight Dec 2016/Jan 2017. Human rights news from the IBA - Trump election thrusts human rights issues into the spotlight; New report finds UN human rights mechanism the most progressive international arena for furthering LGBTI rights; eyeWitness wins security award and is listed as a top tech solution for Africa; Refugee crisis accounts for huge spike in pro bono legal activity; Mary Robinson receives 2016 Stockholm Human Rights Award; Update on two previous IBAHRI Human Rights Award recipients

Human rights news from the IBA - Oct/Nov 2016

IBA Global Insight Oct/Nov 2016. Human rights news from the IBA - International criminal justice is making inroads in fighting impunity; Russian media lawyer Galina Arapova wins IBA Human Rights Award; IBAHRI calls for accountability and reform following the death of Kenyan lawyer, Willie Kimani;

Human rights news from the IBA - Aug/Sept 2016

IBA Global Insight Aug/Sept 2016. Human rights news from the IBA - Zuzana Caputova, ‘grassroots environmental hero’, Lawyers at risk meet UN Special Rapporteur in Belgrade, IBA President speaks at Vatican conference on human trafficking and corruption, Burundi violence signals ‘crisis of constitutionalism’ in Africa, Resolution on Climate Change Justice and HumanRights adopted by IBAHRI Council, Developments in China

Time to tackle torture - Global Insight Aug/Sept 2016

IBA Global Insight, Aug/Sept 2016 - Recent polling in America and references by presidential candidates have put the murky issue of torture firmly back on the agenda. A pioneering project being undertaken by Harvard University’s Carr Centre for Human Rights Policy and the IBA is examining the impact of US torture policies on relations with the UK

Burundi violence signals ‘crisis of constitutionalism’ in Africa

An ongoing human rights crisis in Burundi that has already claimed the lives of over 500 people and displaced more than 250,000 civilians risks descending into further violence as the international community looks on.

Human rights news from the IBA - June/July 2016

IBA Global Insight June/July 2016. Human rights news from the IBA - Ruggie report on FIFA, IBAHRI calls for end to mandatory death penalty, In memoriam John RWD Jones QC, North Carolina 'bathroom law', judicial independence in Latin America,

Interview with Carlos Ayala, Former President, Inter-American Commission on Human Rights, July 2011

Interview with Carlos Ayala, Former President, Inter-American Commission on Human Rights, July 2011. Carlos Ayala speaks to the IBA about the case of Judge Maria Afiuni.