
Tag results for 'Artificial-intelligence-Committee-Content'

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Guidelines and Regulations to Provide Insights on Public Policies to Ensure AI’s Beneficial Use as a Professional Tool

The Artificial Intelligence Working Group of the IBA Alternative New Law and Business Structures (ANLBS) Committee presents a comprehensive, up to date guide to the use of artificial intelligence as a professional tool, covering the main multilateral organisations and nine jurisdictions worldwide.

Released on Jun 7, 2024

Pioneering Pakistan’s Technological Ascent: A Comprehensive Analysis of the 5G Deployment Landscape

Pakistan, a country rich in cultural diversity and history, is leading the way in the rollout of 5G networks, a technological revolution, particularly for the Global South. With the world striving for technological superiority, Pakistan is preparing to become one of the countries providing the next wave of connectivity. This article examines the current regulatory frameworks, recent policy announcements and the role of financial institutions in facilitating this revolutionary transition. It also delves into the intricate details of the legal, financial and strategic aspects surrounding the introduction of 5G in Pakistan.

Released on Jan 9, 2024

Digital Services Act & Digital Markets Act: Europe regulates big digital platforms

This article reviews the recent European Union regulations, namely the Digital Services Act and the Digital Markets Act which regulate digital platforms with operations in Europe, from different perspectives. Likewise, the article revises some regulatory projects in Brazil and the United States, before turning to Argentina, where the regulation of the intermediaries’ responsibility is an issue of current relevance. Due to the lack of an ex-ante regulation regarding these topics, this article goes over some of the cases treated with consumer protection regulations as well as with antitrust law and data privacy provisions.

Released on Jan 9, 2024

Technology and artificial intelligence: Reengineering arbitration in the new world

The legal profession's dynamic relationship with technology, from email to virtual courtrooms, is constantly reshaping the practice of law. Welcome to the new frontier—the intersection of technology, artificial intelligence (AI), blockchain, and arbitration. This article explores some interesting applications of technology and AI in arbitration and growing global acceptance around it. Needless to say, innovation brings along a plethora of unresolved questions and challenges, leaving practitioners uncertain about the use or potential misuse of sensitive data. It's time to address the difficult questions on regulatory oversight and transparent usage of AI, to avoid controversies and chart an ethical course for integration of technology in dispute resolution.

Released on Dec 20, 2023

Unpacking Vietnamese law on e-transaction 2023: a thorough exploration of key points

The law on e-transactions in Vietnam was recently amended in 2023. In this article we have analysed seven outstanding regulations in the amendment, namely: the scope of applications; data and data message; e-certificates; the use of e-signature and trust services; legal framework for applying e-contracts; synchronising the rights and obligations of the owner of the information system and the use of e-transaction accounts; and regulations on data collection, management and sharing among state agencies.

Released on Dec 12, 2023

Ethical implications of artificial intelligence at the Indian workplace

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has rapidly emerged as a pivotal force in the contemporary workplace, redefining the facets of business operations, workforce management and employees’ interaction with technology. The profound impact of AI on the Indian workplace has emphatically transgressed its ethical and legal concerns, underscoring the need for comprehensive legislation or well-defined directives to regulate the use of AI effectively. In this article, we aim to highlight the legal and ethical complexities related to the use of AI at the Indian workplace and the requirement to have robust legislation/directives in place to regulate the use of AI.

Released on Dec 12, 2023

Cryptocurrency, digital platforms and metaverse taxation on digital services and trades (2023)

Due to the ways in which digital technology allows non-residents to do business without creating a physical taxable presence, countries are rushing to amend their tax codes and treaties to address this gap. This panel began their discussion with an example and tried to tackle the questions arising from their respective tax legislation and highlighted the potential gaps. Furthermore, the panel discussed which transactions should see taxes arise in regard to cryptocurrency, digital platforms and the metaverse.

Released on Dec 5, 2023

DREX and Open Finance: the Brazilian Central Bank unveils innovations for the Brazilian financial market

This article assesses recent innovations and the impact of new technologies in the Brazilian financial market.

Released on Nov 29, 2023

AI generates a step change

Automation of legal processes has not led to the revolution many were predicting, but generative AI is expected to change all that. In-House Perspective looks at what’s on the horizon and how it’ll affect legal teams.

Released on Nov 22, 2023

2023: an intelligent learning odyssey

This article explores the potential implications of AI tools on education and on the legal profession, including the various approaches that educators and legal institutions can take to optimise a responsible use of AI technology while minimising its limitations.

Released on Nov 20, 2023

Facilitating IoT Ecosystem: Pakistan’s Comprehensive Regulatory Framework

The Internet of Things (IoT) is a network of interconnected devices and the technology that enables communication between devices and the cloud, as well as between devices themselves. The rapid progress of technology has facilitated the emergence of the IoT. The Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA) has demonstrated a proactive approach in acknowledging the potential of the IoT sector. In order to foster innovation and adhere to global benchmarks, the PTA has developed a regulatory framework for Short Range Devices (SRD) and terrestrial IoT services to facilitate the establishment of a flourishing IoT ecosystem within Pakistan.

Released on Nov 15, 2023

Fortifying cybersecurity: Pakistan’s CERT Rules 2023 and their implications

In an increasingly interconnected world, digital infrastructure protection is crucial not only for individuals and organisations, but also for nations as a whole. Recognising the critical need for protecting its digital borders, Pakistan has made an admirable step forward by passing the Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT) Rules, 2023 (‘CERT Rules 2023’). While this legislative framework appears technical, it has far-reaching legal ramifications that go beyond its technical components.

Released on Nov 7, 2023

Cryptocurrency can be ‘property’ under Hong Kong law – and yet it may not be

This article provides one of the key case law updates in Hong Kong with respect to cryptocurrency. While the market sentiment is generally optimistic about the judicial recognition of cryptocurrency, the author would like to remind readers to watch out for overhype.

Released on Nov 7, 2023

How the Metaverse addresses supply chain challenges for the healthcare and life science sector

Assistance should be provided to supply chain challenges in the Healthcare & Life Science Sector through the use of new technologies, and to make the supply chain more effective and fail-safe through the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI). The European Union wants to ensure that AI systems are safe, transparent, traceable, non-discriminatory and environmentally friendly. Therefore, the existing legal issues shall be embedded in a new legal framework to ensure legal certainty. The institutions of the European Union aim at adopting a common AI law by the end of this year.

Released on Nov 2, 2023

Telemedicine and health e-documentation legislation is finally on the horizon in the Czech Republic

Telemedicine, despite being used in practice, was not explicitly and specifically addressed in Czech law. However, new legislation to introduce the concept of telemedicine into the Czech legal framework is now on the horizon.

Released on Nov 2, 2023

Obstacles to healthcare AI: legal issues relating to the increasing use of AI in healthcare and medical technologies

The impact of artificial intelligence (AI) in the healthcare market are becoming increasingly more pronounced, indicating a turning point in modern medical practice. For example, in areas such as diagnosis, some machine learning tools have been shown to be more accurate in identifying pancreatic cysts harbouring cancer or at risk of cancer, than conventional clinical and imaging criteria alone, demonstrating the potential for AI to reduce costs and current rates of morbidity.

Released on Nov 2, 2023

The rise in the use of telemedicine: advantages and pitfalls

Telemedicine is viewed as a means of improving patients’ access to healthcare, allowing doctors both to work more effectively and reduce costs. This is achieved by cutting the number of unnecessary hospital admissions and facilitating doctor contact from as patient’s home in urgent cases. Such a way of working is possible, but requires a well-designed and predictable regulatory framework of standards for providing telehealth services.

Released on Nov 2, 2023

Considerations for the effective implementation of telemedicine in developing countries

The integration of telemedicine has accelerated an innovative process within the healthcare sector, reshaping the ways in which medical services are provided. Consequently, the most competitive medical institutions have embraced continuous innovation as a fundamental strategic course. This approach has proved to be a distinguishing factor between healthcare provider organisations, solidly establishing and positioning themselves in relation to their competitors. In this context, the present article aims to outline certain considerations which require contemplation for achieving suitable implementation of telemedicine services in developing countries.

Released on Nov 2, 2023

Risk-sharing agreements in the incorporation of innovative technologies by the SUS

Incorporating new pharmaceutical technologies is one of the main challenges facing Brazil’s Unified Health System (SUS). Inspired by the United Kingdom model, Brazil’s National Commission for the Incorporation of Technology in the SUS (CONITEC) has based the analysis of incorporation on a combination of cost and effectiveness. However, in many cases, uncertainty remains about the advantage of replacing technologies due to the need for more sufficient data, which delays public access to these treatments through the regular channels.

Released on Nov 2, 2023

Data protection legal and regulatory concerns for health insurance carriers in Brazil

This article examines data protection and document management in Brazil’s health insurance sector. It discusses the implications of the Brazilian General Data Protection Law, emphasising patients’ rights over their personal data and the obligations with which health insurance providers need to comply. The article concludes by stressing the crucial balance between data use and patient protection, advocating robust data protection measures and responsible management for health insurance carriers’ integrity and innovation.

Released on Nov 2, 2023

AI in healthcare: trends and challenges in India

Advances in AI have ushered in a new era of innovation across sectors, with the healthcare sector being at the forefront of this transformative wave. With the increasing use of AI across various segments of the healthcare sector, challenges and ethical considerations arise, along with the need for human intervention. There remains a need for collaboration between industry experts and policy makers across jurisdictions such that the AI tools can be deployed responsibly and effectively.

Released on Nov 2, 2023

Beyond barriers: the role of technology in disability-related inclusion

The advancement of artificial intelligence (AI) and assistive robotics provide a world of opportunity for employers with regard to creating an inclusive workplace for people with disabilities.

Released on Sep 21, 2023

Italy – its unusual route towards a ‘single ultra broadband network’

A robust broadband infrastructure is vital for a country’s economic growth and technological advancement. With this in mind, the Italian Government has set the objective of ensuring broadband internet access for every household.

Released on Sep 21, 2023

Fair share: what stage is the European legislative proposal on the internet tax at?

The European ‘fair share’ debate is certainly one of the ‘telecommunications’ hypes of 2023, and so far has created an incredible mass of work for consultants, lobbyists and conference organisers. This subject has become an absolute priority for the largest European telcos, assuming a very important role in the digital agenda of the European Commission lead by commissioner Thierry Breton, former Chief Executive Officer of Orange, the French telecom incumbent.

Released on Sep 13, 2023

Metaverse and medical devices: what are the legal issues?

In 2021, Mark Zuckerberg's ambition was to bring internet users into the metaverse. Web giants and major brands have mobilised to develop their projects there. Although there is currently a period of less enthusiasm for the metaverse, it presents real opportunities for a variety of sectors, from gaming to sports, real estate to leisure, retail to education and many others.

Released on Sep 12, 2023

Cryptocurrency – super asset or ‘cryptonite’?

How cryptocurrency is conceived of as property or asset and different jurisdictions’ approach to restraints, forfeitures and seizures. This article will discuss how Australia, the UK and the US have identified and categorised cryptocurrency as an asset or as property and the implications of that classification for regulatory and enforcement outcomes.

Released on Aug 28, 2023

Regulatory divergence presents obstacles for legal teams navigating AI

The lack of a harmonised approach to regulating artificial intelligence will create difficulties for companies and their in-house legal teams, as In-House Perspective reports.

Released on Aug 23, 2023

The right to be forgotten in Pakistan

This article shall discuss the fundamental rights to privacy as enshrined in the Constitution of Pakistan 1973 and the legal mechanisms to maintain privacy through the erasure of personal data as provided in the Personal Data Protection Bill 2023.

Released on Aug 22, 2023

The in-house perspective on legal ops and new tech tools reshaping legal services

A conference report on the ‘The in-house perspective on legal ops and new tech tools reshaping legal services’ session from the Biennial IBA Latin American Regional Forum Conference: Technology, social media and artificial intelligence: challenges for the legal industry in the digital age.

Released on Jul 27, 2023

Venture capital investments in Legal Tech and the technology industry

A conference report on the ‘Venture capital investments in Legal Tech and the technology industry’ session from the Biennial IBA Latin American Regional Forum Conference: Technology, social media and artificial intelligence: challenges for the legal industry in the digital age.

Released on Jul 27, 2023