
Tag results for '2016'

IBAHRI condemns mass removal of judges following attempted coup in Turkey

News Release: Wednesday 20 July 2016. The International Bar Association's Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI) is extremely concerned by the sudden dismissal of more than 2,500 judges and prosecutors in Turkey, following an attempted coup d'état in the country on Friday 15 July. The IBAHRI calls on Turkey to respect its international obligations, avoid undue mass targeting of state institutions such as the judiciary, and ensure that a transparent investigation is carried out to identify those responsible...

Released on Jul 20, 2016

Trio of war crimes convictions marks milestone for international justice

Several key convictions of former heads of state for war crimes have made 2016 a ground-breaking year for the global fight to end impunity. Separate cases at the International Criminal Court (ICC) in the Hague, the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) and most recently at the Extraordinary African Chambers in Senegal have resulted in landmark convictions.

Released on Jul 14, 2016

Legal and business news from the IBA - Dec 2016/Jan 2017

IBA Global Insight Dec 2016/Jan 2017 - legal and business news from the IBA. President Trump heightens business and trade uncertainty, IBA President in Argentina and Chile for high-level discussions on fighting judicial corruption, Invaluable new tool helps lawyers understand business and human rights; IBA conference calendar for 2017, Training videos for conference session chairs and speakers, Brexit, IBA and King’s College London partner on new Executive LLM degree

Human rights news from the IBA - Dec 2016/Jan 2017

IBA Global Insight Dec 2016/Jan 2017. Human rights news from the IBA - Trump election thrusts human rights issues into the spotlight; New report finds UN human rights mechanism the most progressive international arena for furthering LGBTI rights; eyeWitness wins security award and is listed as a top tech solution for Africa; Refugee crisis accounts for huge spike in pro bono legal activity; Mary Robinson receives 2016 Stockholm Human Rights Award; Update on two previous IBAHRI Human Rights Award recipients

Human rights news from the IBA - Oct/Nov 2016

IBA Global Insight Oct/Nov 2016. Human rights news from the IBA - International criminal justice is making inroads in fighting impunity; Russian media lawyer Galina Arapova wins IBA Human Rights Award; IBAHRI calls for accountability and reform following the death of Kenyan lawyer, Willie Kimani;

Legal and business news from the IBA - Oct/Nov 2016

IBA Global Insight Oct/Nov 2016 - legal and business news from the IBA. IMF MD Christine Lagarde discusses corruption and sustainable growth; online coverage of IBA Annual Conference Washington 2016; a look forward to IBA Annual Conference 2017 in Sydney; Pro Bono Award winner Odette Geldenhuys and Human Rights Award winner Remy Choo Zheng Xi; Fellowship for Innovation articles; Global Employment Institute report on business and employees; legal regulators' directory; business of law book series

Editorial - Aug/Sept 2016

IBA Global Insight Editorial - Aug/Sept 2016. this edition of Global Insight went to press, the IBA was preparing for its Annual Conference in Washington. There’ll be a remarkable array of world-renowned speakers and experts in their respective areas, including former US Secretary of State Colin Powell, current US Attorney General Loretta Lynch, and US Trade Representative Michael Froman amongst many others. The keynote speaker at the opening ceremony will be Christine Lagarde, MD of the IMF

Legal and business news from the IBA - Aug/Sept 2016

IBA Global Insight Aug/Sept 2016 - legal and business news from the IBA.

Human rights news from the IBA - Aug/Sept 2016

IBA Global Insight Aug/Sept 2016. Human rights news from the IBA - Zuzana Caputova, ‘grassroots environmental hero’, Lawyers at risk meet UN Special Rapporteur in Belgrade, IBA President speaks at Vatican conference on human trafficking and corruption, Burundi violence signals ‘crisis of constitutionalism’ in Africa, Resolution on Climate Change Justice and HumanRights adopted by IBAHRI Council, Developments in China

Editorial - June/July 2016

IBA Global Insight Editorial - June/July 2016. Martin Luther King put it well when he said ‘the arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends towards justice.’ The International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) is providing further evidence of this. The author of our cover feature, The Guardian’s world affairs editor Julian Borger, describes it as a 23-year judicial experiment and a high point of the enforcement of international humanitarian law...

Global: Ending impunity for crimes committed by UN peacekeepers

IBA Global Insight June/July 2016 - An article by IBA Fellow Kelly D Askin. The UN Secretary-General can waive immunity for serious crimes, but few peacekeepers are prosecuted and still fewer convicted as intervention often occurs in countries with failed judicial systems.

Legal and business news from the IBA - June/July 2016

IBA Global Insight June/July 2016- legal and business news from the IBA. UK Anti-Corruption summit, IBA at Climate Action 2016, Woman Lawyer Award 2016, LPRU disruptive innovation report, Pfizer, Pro Bono Award 2016, IBA Fellows

Human rights news from the IBA - June/July 2016

IBA Global Insight June/July 2016. Human rights news from the IBA - Ruggie report on FIFA, IBAHRI calls for end to mandatory death penalty, In memoriam John RWD Jones QC, North Carolina 'bathroom law', judicial independence in Latin America,

The manhunt

IBA Global Insight, June/July 2016. Despite what commentators view as a disappointing sentence for Radovan Karadzic, the first ad hoc tribunal since Nuremberg has indicted 161 suspects. The pursuit and capture of the fugitives was the most successful manhunt of modern times and a high point of international humanitarian law.

Power to Africa

IBA Global Insight, June/July 2016. Three-quarters of Sub-Saharan Africa still has no access to electricity, but with renewables enabling power to be transmitted to the remotest of communities, could the clean energy sector hold the answer to Africa’s power needs? Global Insight investigates.

The Panama Papers: tipping point for reform

IBA Global Insight, June/July 2016. The record leak of 11.5 million documents shed unprecedented light on the workings of the world’s financial centres. Public opinion has shifted markedly and the benefits of ending years of destructive secrecy are now fully established.

Renewing the Lex Mercatoria

IBA Global Insight, June/July 2016. Forty years after the OECD published its landmark guidelines on responsible business conduct, Global Insight assesses whether the National Contact Points system – established in 2000 – has delivered.

VW: the long road back

IBA Global Insight, June/July 2016. One by one, car giants have been drawn into a global emissions scandal. Global Insight goes back to the beginning as Volkswagen faces an uncertain future and a major reputational repair. Its handling of the crisis will offer valuable lessons for multinational businesses.

Europe: To stay or not to stay, that is the question

IBA Global Insight, June/July 2016. Since its inception under the Treaty of Rome in 1958, no country has ever exited the European Union. The possibility of entering uncharted waters has ensured fraught debate ahead of the United Kingdom’s referendum on membership.

Asia: Panama Papers – no news is good news

IBA Global Insight June/July 2016. A third of all Mossack Fonseca’s business originated from its offices in Hong Kong and China. Local media coverage of the leaks has been inconsistent and, in some cases, actively censored by authorities fearing the consequences of these and further revelations.

Turkey: Tahir Elci death must be investigated amid questions over rule of law

Ongoing obscurity surrounding the death of a prominent human rights lawyer in Turkey in November continues to raise questions about the country’s ability to uphold the rule of law. A Kurdish lawyer and chairman of the Diyarbakir Bar Association, Tahir Elci was shot dead on November 28 during a press conference in Turkey’s south-eastern city of Diyarbakir. He had been making an appeal for peace in the city, which has been the scene of months of violent clashes.

Refugee crisis management

IBA Global Insight - February/March 2016. Unprecedented numbers of migrants and an increased risk of terrorism have heightened tensions in Europe. Global Insight examines the issues and legal frameworks surrounding the greatest humanitarian crisis to confront the continent since the Second World War.