
Introducing our Committee Officers - May 2020

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Giuseppe Coco, Young Lawyers' Committee Liaison Officer

Tell us briefly about your title, areas of responsibility and specific function as an officer

As a liaison officer, my role is to get personally in touch with officers and committee members of the Young Lawyers' Committee to strengthen our relationship and foster the organisation of joint projects.

What do you want to achieve during your tenure as an officer of this committee? 

The Closely Held Committee has a very innovative approach. My goal is to join forces with those who share our approach and to create new ways to generate interaction amongst our Committee’s members.

Tell us about three characteristics that describe yourself, other than the fact that you are a good lawyer.

I like to think of myself as a sociable, emphatic and patient person.

If you had two hours every week to do anything you wanted, what would it be and why?

I’d go hiking, to reconnect with the nature and put everything in the right perspective.

Please give us a message for all committee members

The Closely Held Committee is always working on something new, with the aim of matching (and possibly exceeding) the members’ expectations. Make sure you don’t miss the next!


Oluwabukola Iji, Diversity Officer and African Regional Forum Liaison Officer

Tell us briefly about your title, areas of responsibility and specific function as an officer.

As Diversity Officer, my responsibilities include monitoring and reviewing the Closely Held Committee’s activities from a gender and regional diversity perspective, to ensure appropriate representation in the choice of speakers and topics selected for the Committee’s sessions. As Liaison Officer to the African Regional Forum (ARF), my responsibilities include forging a close relationship between the Committee and the ARF, and working on opportunities for collaboration on IBA sessions and activities.

What do you want to achieve during your tenure as an officer of this committee?

I plan to assist the Committee with ensuring that there is an even spread and representation for all its activities, without compromising on quality and qualification. With respect to the ARF, I hope to promote an exchange and participation between the Committee and the Forum. I also plan to introduce membership of the Committee to ARF members, as I believe that the Committee is a one-stop-shop and the IBA’s best kept secret. I hope to generally increase the Committee’s visibility with members of the ARF.

Tell us about three characteristics that describe yourself, other than the fact that you are a good lawyer

Cheeky, serious and adventurous.

If you had two hours every week to do anything you wanted, what would it be and why?

I would devote it to studying the Chinese language. I was studying at the Confucius Institute in Lagos a few years ago and got up to HSK 2 (standard course) before I dropped out due to work pressures.

Please give us a message for all committee members

Over the years, I have been impressed by the dedication of the officers of the Closely Held Committee (past and present) and feel privileged to be appointed to their ranks. The Committee’s sessions always touch on matters relevant to our current and future practice. I urge members to participate whenever they can and find ways to support the Committee and its officers to deliver great content. 


Dinka Kovacevic, Woman Lawyers’ Interest Group Liaison Officer and Scholarship Officer

Tell us briefly about your title, areas of responsibility and specific function as an officer

As Women Interest Group (WIG) Liaison Officer my prime responsibility would be to promote specific interests of WIG within the activities of our Closely Held Committee, enhancing the communication between the committees and increase the level of participation of WIG members in the Closely Held Committee.

What do you want to achieve during your tenure as an officer of this committee?

In my tenure as an officer I would like to improve current communication with the WIG and develop a strong presence of WIG activities within the Closely Held Committee, ensuring continuous attendance in Closely Held events and advocating WIG interests.  
Tell us about three characteristics that describe yourself, other than the fact that you are a good lawyer 

Apart from being a good lawyer, I value my independence, cherish my friends and cannot hold my temper at all times; but in my CV I usually write communicative, solution driven and emphatic. 

If you had two hours every week to do anything you wanted, what would it be and why?

If I had two hours every week to do anything I wanted I would ride a horse in different environments, as it gives notion of absolute trust and freedom.

Please give us a message for all committee members
People of the IBA Closely Held Committee are a lawyer’s organisation game changer. The most interesting initiatives, including an  outgoing approach, friendly environment and support of colleagues that the Closely Held Committee offers is just a peek through a keyhole. I am so happy to be awarded the opportunity to contribute. 


Dinesh Melwani, North American Regional Forum Liaison Officer

Tell us briefly about your title, areas of responsibility and specific function as an officer

As the North American Regional Forum Liaison Officer, I look forward to increasing the visibility of the Closely Held Committee and its members, by coordinating activities with other committees of the IBA that are hosting conferences and other events in the North American region.  

What do you want to achieve during your tenure as an officer of this committee? 

Increased visibility and understanding amongst IBA ‘sister committees’ that the Closely Held Committee and its members make for a great partner for events in North American region. 

Tell us about three characteristics that describe yourself, other than the fact that you are a good lawyer

My colleagues describe me as lighthearted, patient and funny (well at least the associate that was tasked with answering this questionnaire does – just kidding, I wrote this myself…I promise).

If you had two hours every week to do anything you wanted, what would it be and why?

My two ‘bonus-hours’ a week would go towards helping my wife manage her singing career.  Happy wife = happy life!

Please give us a message for all committee members

I look forward to an exciting year ahead as a new member of the Closely Held Committee. I am pleased to join the ranks of my fellow members and, while I have a lot to learn, I am excited about where we are headed as a collective.