
From the Chair

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Alan Reitzfeld
Alan Reitzfeld, New York


I hope that everyone enjoyed the IBA Annual Conference in Seoul last year and is looking forward to the IBA Annual Conference in Miami in November 2020. Many thanks to Vice Chair Serap Zuvin, who took the general lead on the Committee’s activities at the Seoul Conference, and to the other Committee Officers for all of their leadership roles at the Conference. Also, a special thanks to Publications Officer Gerard Melling for putting together this publication and the various Committee publications last year.

Shortly after the Annual Conference in Seoul, the Committee co-sponsored a ‘Hot Topics in Aviation’ event, on 24 October 2019 in New York City. The event was held at the New York City Bar Association’s landmark building. The other co-sponsors were the Lawyer-Pilots Bar Association, the New Jersey State Bar Association Aviation Law Committee and the New York City Bar Association Aeronautics Committee. The programme featured presentations on various legal issues and historical events related to aviation. Both Committee Vice-Chair Serap Zuvin and I were on the programme.

The Committee has exciting plans for the Annual Conference in Miami, including the following three sessions:

1. Monday 2 November 2020, 0930–1045 ‘State and international airline regulatory issues’ (to be Chaired by Laura Pierallini, Studio Pierallini law firm);

2. Wednesday 4 November 2020, 1115–1230 Recent developments in international aviation casualty litigation’ (to be Chaired by Professor Paul Stephen Dempsey, Director Emeritus, Institute of Air & Space Law, McGill University); and

3. Thursday 5 November 2020, 0930–1045 Hot topics in international aircraft leasing and finance’ (to be Chaired by Committee Vice Chair Serap Zuvin; Çakmak Attorneys at Law; and former Committee Chair Carlos Sierra, Abogados Sierra).

The Committee’s plans for the Annual Conference in Miami also include an offsite tour to an aviation-related facility on the afternoon of 4 November and a Committee lunch on 5 November.

As often happens in the week of the IBA Annual Conference, a ‘Law Rocks’ concert is scheduled to be held on the night of 5 November.  See: https://lawrocks.org/tour, the 'Flying Outlaws', a classic-rock band made up entirely of international aviation lawyers (www.mcgill.ca/iasl/iali/iali2019/flyingoutlaws; www.facebook.com/flyingoutlaws), who plan to participate in the Law Rocks concert.

The Committee Officers look forward to seeing many of the Committee Members in Miami. We anticipate that the Committee’s sessions and other activities in Miami will be interesting, exciting and fun.

Please reach out to me or to the other Committee Officers if you have any comments or thoughts on Committee activities. We are also appreciative of any original, aviation-related articles that you may wish to include in our Committee publication. Please contact Committee Publications Officer Gerard Melling or me if you would like to submit an article. The active involvement of our Committee Members is very important to us.

Thank you very much.



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