IBA Business Human Rights Committee eBulletin: message from the Vice-Chair and Newsletter Officer
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Dear members,
We are pleased to present this IBA Business Human Rights Committee eBulletin.
This edition includes a variety of content produced by members of our Committee from different regions of the world. The diverse topics addressed in this eBulletin include the approach to business and human rights under a possible future Biden administration in the US; the experience of Japan in promoting respect for human rights during the Covid-19 pandemic; an opinion on proposed European Union regulation for mandatory human rights due diligence; and a note on the development of ‘B’ corporations in Latin America. This edition also features an interview with a pioneer in the field of business and human rights and a former Committee Co-Chair, who speaks with moving insight about the importance of empathy in the legal profession. We conclude with a summary of the Committee’s upcoming events.
In a time when voices of justice have new relevance and urgency, we will eagerly continue to gather contributions for future publication. We urge you to share your ongoing work, article, audio/film and paper ideas.
We hope this eBulletin is a valuable resource to all of our members and we look forward to hearing from you in the future.
Edie Hofmeister
Vice-Chair, Business Human Rights Committee
María Angélica Burgos
Newsletter Officer, Business Human Rights Committee
Order of content
Article 1 - What would the business and human rights approach of a Biden administration look like?
Article 2 - Japan: promoting the respect of human rights by business during the Covid-19 crisis
Article 3 - An opinion on the core elements of the proposed EU mHREDD legislation
Article 4 - The time has come for a legislative movement for BIC companies in Latin America
Article 5 - Lawyers who lead: prioritising empathy in a time of global crisis (An interview with business and human rights lawyer, Stéphane Brabant, by Edie Hofmeister)
Article 6- Upcoming events of the IBA Business Human Rights Committee
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