Morning Keynote Address: The power of cultural diversity - a conversation with Dr Rigoberta Menchú Tum, Nobel Peace Prize 1992
This session offers the unique opportunity of making an in-depth reflection about the real extent of equality, inclusion and diversity, human rights protection and especially, those of Indigenous people, doing so hand in hand with Dr Rigoberta Menchú Tum, Nobel Peace Prize 1992. Dr Menchú Tum is a leading advocate for the recognition and respect of Indigenous people’s rights and cultures of the world. Dr Menchú Tum will walk us through her life path, since her birth in Guatemala to a humble indigenous peasant family, being raised in the Maya culture, soon struggling against oppression in Guatemala and for indigenous people's rights and the Mayas. The session will also address how the 1992 Nobel Prize changed Dr Menchú Tum’s life, the use she is making of the prize to promote Indigenous people's rights, her views on how the younger Indigenous generations can adapt to modern life without losing their original values and culture, and her relationship with nature.