Construction Law International is the magazine of the IBA International Construction Projects Committee.
Launched in March 2006 and published quarterly, Construction Law International is a thought-provoking magazine with a balance of substantive and practical articles and news that anyone involved in the international construction industry will wish to receive.
In addition to feature articles, each issue includes latest updates from around the world, case updates and regular columns from experts across the globe. Construction Law International is sent to all members of the International Construction Projects Committee as part of their membership package. Back issues are available online.
If you would like to write for Construction Law International, please contact clint.submissions@int-bar.org. Download Guidelines for submission of articles and news items here. Download the IBA In-House Style Guide here.
Members can download the full PDF issue here.
Use and misuse of expert evidence
Kenneth Figueroa, Christian Johansen, Kim Rosenberg and Russell Thirgood address issues relating to the use of expert evidence in common law and civil law proceedings. |
The key steps to successful project establishment
Polina Chtchelok, Aarta Alkarimi, Phillip Greenham and Tuomas Lehtinen of the Project Establishment Subcommittee of the International Construction Projects Committee summarise key operational, legal and financial issues to consider, and steps to take, when launching a major infrastructure or construction project.
Issues arising on termination of a construction contract
Dimitris Kourkoumelis, Ian de Vaz, Thomas Stickler, Edward Corbett, Virginie Colaiuta and Shona Frame address termination for default versus termination for convenience; requirements as to the substance and form of a termination notice; and the legal consequences of a wrongful termination.
Adding the best bits of FIDIC 2017 to the 1999 Forms
How does the new German construction law affect the implementation of the 2017 FIDIC Silver Book?