
Disrupted Industries – the example of the automotive industry

Covid-19 may either be seen as a threat to existing structures in the automotive industry or as a catalyser for overdue changes. Experienced industry experts and lawyers from leading ‘car nations’ will focus on two key aspects that are being discussed in the automotive industry under the threatening experience of the Covid-19 pandemic, i.e.: (i) How does Covid-19 and the various considerations and fears around it impact the structure of supply chains in the automotive industry? Trends and long-term changes; and (ii) Will Covid-19 lead to re-thinking the antagonism in future mobility concepts between individual and/or mass transportation? What’s the view of the industry?

Speakers will share their views with the audience in an interactive session which will show how lawyers can efficiently assist their clients in meeting day-by-day requirements they are facing in a fast changing industry.

Christopher Owen
Penningtons Manches Cooper, London; Senior Vice Chair, IBA European Regional Forum

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Marco Rizzi
Bratschi, Zurich; Chair, IBA Closely Held and Growing Business Enterprises Committee

Dr Andreas Kloyer
Luther, Frankfurt; European Regional Forum Liaison Officer, IBA Closely Held and Growing Business Enterprises Committee

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Alexis Poinsard
Fidal, Paris

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Oya Deniz Kavame
Kavame Law Firm, Istanbul; Young Lawyers' Liaison and Scholarship Officer, IBA European Regional Forum

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Javier Fontcuberta
Cuatrecasas, Barcelona

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Norihito Sato
Mori Hamada & Matsumoto, Tokyo

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Andreas Stoltze
CEO, SONA AutoComp Germany, Munich

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Jean Obst
Corporate Legal Services, Business Sector Mobility Solutions, Robert Bosch, Stuttgart

Anna Dabrowska
Wardynski & Partners, Warsaw

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Joost Vantomme
European Automobile Manufactures' Associaten (ACEA), Brussels

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