BIC Regulation Committee

The IBA Bar Issues Commission (BIC) Regulation Committee monitors, researches and exchanges information about developments in lawyer regulation around the world.

Global Directory of Anti-Discrimination Rules Within the Legal Profession

Global Directory of Anti-Discrimination Rules Within the Legal Profession

The purpose of this paper, prepared by the BIC Regulation Committee, is to set out the main findings from the production of a directory of anti-discrimination rules (the Directory) which currently exist from around the world. The purpose of the Directory is to list which jurisdictions have, and which jurisdictions do not have, express anti-discrimination provisions in their relevant regulations, codes of conduct and ethics or professional principles for legal practitioners, as opposed to provisions that are more generally applicable. Its aim is to provide the global legal profession with a snapshot of how different jurisdictions are addressing these problems, in the spirit of collaboration and information sharing.

Main findings report (PDF) | Download Global Directory (.xlsx)

Directory of Regulators of the Legal Profession

The Committee has produced a global directory of regulators of lawyers as a resource for practising lawyers and bar associations.

The directory identifies the bodies who are responsible in each jurisdiction for the regulation of lawyers at various key stages, from qualification/entry to the profession, through ethics and conduct rules to disciplinary matters. The directory also gives some basic details on the governing legislation in those jurisdictions where there is a statutory basis for the profession and provides links to the relevant legislation where possible.

We are grateful to a large number of bar associations and individual IBA members who helped to verify the information contained in this directory. All of those who assisted us in producing this resource are listed on the linked page.

The directory is available online as well as in PDF format:

Visit website | Download report (PDF)

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Committee officers

Dominique Hogan-Doran


Firm Address
Australian Bar 5/180 Phillip Street
Ellyn S Rosen

Vice Chair

Firm Address
American Bar Association Center for Professional Responsibility 321 North Clark Street
17th Floor
John Guerin

Co-opted Member

Firm Address
Law Society of Northern Ireland Law Society House
96 Victoria Street
Northern Ireland